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Monday 30 November 2009

Monday 20 October 2008

Kiev welcomes the mighty LCD Soundsystem

Well not quite. James Murphy of LCD Soundsytem is doing a DJ set at Kiev's 'Qievdance' event this Saturday. I'm so excited. Their own music and remixes have restructured dance music. And if their Fabriclive album is anything to go by, Mahoney will absolutely smash up Kiev's left bank with big beat disco house. Can't wait :)

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Tuesday 14 October 2008

The new Oasis album...

...'Dig Out Your Soul', is not that good. In my humble opinion. I think Radiohead are much better but people say that's like comparing chalk and cheese. See what you think.

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Monday 13 October 2008

Radiohead rarities and bootlegs

Can't get enough of Radiohead? Try this collection of B-Sides, studio outtakes and live recordings of classics. Towering Above The Rest is an unofficial 10 CD album - yes ten!. Here is Disc 1, more to follow. Enjoy :)

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Disc 1 - 76:40
1. Prove Yourself
2. Stupid Car
3. You
4. Thinking About You
5. Inside My Head
6. Million Dollar Question
7. Faithless The Wonder Boy
8. Coke Babies
9. Pop Is Dead
10. Yes I Am
11. The Trickster
12. Punchdrunk Lovesick Singalong
13. Lozenge Of Love
14. Lewis [Mistreated]
15. Permanent Daylight
16. You Never Wash Up After Yourself
17. Maquiladora
18. Killer Cars
19. India Rubber
20. How Can You Be Sure
21. Talk Show Host
22. Bishop’s Robes
23. Banana Co.
24. Molasses

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Monday 22 September 2008

The Tropicalia Movement - Brazil 1968

The rise of the musical style known as Tropicalia began in the early 1960s as young Brazillian artists and musicians, tired of the classic bossa nova, began experimenting with new sounds that reflected the cultural changes they saw everywhere around them (psychedelic drugs, free love, anti-war)

The rise of a military dictatorship in 1964 served as a clarion call for Brazilian artists to band together and subvert the government's powers, using culture as their weapon. Pioneered by Gilberto Gil and Caetano Veloso, Tropicalismo emerged as an attempt to assimilate musical styles and achieve a compromise between national and international influences.To that end, Gil and Veloso combined strains of blues, rock, psychedelia, folk and jazz with Latin American genres bossa nova and samba, and dubbed the hybrid a "universal sound," which they debuted at a 1967 televised music festival. The music moved Brazil into the forefront of pop avant-garde.

Key Tropicalia Artists:

Gilberto Gil - once imprisoned and exiled by the Brazilian government for his music, Gil is now Brazil's Minister of Culture! Made a great 1968 album with Os Mutantes, a Brazilian psychedelic rock band. This album also features Caetano Veloso and is considered to be a manifesto of the Tropicalia movement.


Caetano Veloso - author of the original Tropicalia album is known as the Brazillian Bob Dylan. Still making music 40 years after the seminal Tropicalia.


Also the Soul Jazz Records Tropicalia compilation album is a good place to start. STREAM DOWNLOAD

Thursday 18 September 2008

LTJ Bukem comes to Ukraine!

LTJ Bukem, no less. A true pioneer and original. His brand of drum 'n' bass is atmospheric, mind-expanding like the best jazz, and absolutely addictive. And when he teams up with MC Conrad, he smashes it up :)

Journey Inwards - violins, jazz sounds, drums and bass.

Zen Connection - remarkable collaboration with Gotan Project

Logical Progression (feat. MC Conrad)
- jump up and dance. Unbelievable.

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Thursday 11 September 2008

Mercury Prize 2008: Adele, a sober Amy WInehouse

Adele's album 19 - coz she's only 19 - was shortlisted for the Mercury Prize. She could have one - her album is a lovely collection of real songs. Cross between Amy Winehouse and Beth Orton, this is brilliant British acoustic soul...

Listen now!
